
Author: Jason @ETHconomics Research Space

Translations by Franci @ETHconomics Research Space

Many thanks to Colin for participating in the discussions and providing valuable contributions for this article, as well as to Qi Zhou for his insightful feedback on the content.

Table of Contents


In the EIP-4844 economics series, we're embarking on a four-part exploration of how the introduction of blob-carrying transactions impacts the network. Previously, we took a deep dive into the fee mechanism of these blob transactions, touching on everything from their fee calculations and the update algorithm for the blob base fee. Now, we're advancing our discussion by leveraging the analytical framework provided in EIP-4844 Economics and Rollup Strategies to investigate the ripple effects of blob market on Rollups and their strategies for data availability, as we notice that they are the primary beneficiaries from this EIP.

EIP-4844 Economics Series:

Rollup Data Availability Strategies

EIP-4844 brings forth the blob data space, presenting an improved solution for data availability. At first glance, it might appear that for Rollups, adapting to this new development is merely a technical matter of upgrading their cryptographic commitment algorithms to support blobs. Yet, the challenge extends beyond just technical adjustments. Rollups must also delve into strategic planning on how to use blobs efficiently to minimize their data availability costs. Essentially, this means that Rollups are tasked with crafting their data availability strategies by carefully considering their cost and demand curves.

Model Assumption Analysis

The effectiveness of any modeling analysis depends on the foundational assumptions made within the model. It's understood that these assumptions can never perfectly mirror the complexity of reality, identifying and focusing on the most critical assumptions is crucial for ensuring the logical consistency of the model analysis. And the utility of these assumptions lies in their reasonableness and the degree to which they shape the analysis. Thus, before we dive into deriving the model, it's crucial to examine the key assumptions underpinning this article.

Assumption 1: Introduction of Implicit Data Delay Cost